Our warehouse carries out regular quality checks in order to ship products of the best quality. In addition, despite careful packaging, small defects may occasionally occur during or as a result of transportation. If you have nevertheless received a damaged product, we sincerely apologize for this and ask you to submit a complaint via our returns portal, stating the return reason “08. Product is faulty”. Alternatively, you can also send us a request via our helpdesk under "Damaged product / quality defect" with the appropriate photos.
Your candle wax has small cracks or is loose in the jar?
This is a normal physical phenomenon caused by temperature fluctuations during transportation. However, as soon as you light the candle and the wax softens, these cracks or loose wax should disappear. The candle will remain fully functional and will burn normally without any loss of fragrance or burn time.
Even if the function of your product is not limited by an aesthetic flaw, we understand that our products also have a decorative function or are not suitable as a gift. If you do not wish to keep your product in this condition, you are welcome to return it to us free of charge by stating the reason “09. Dissatisfied with the quality of the product” in our returns portal . Once we have received your return with the product, you will receive a full refund. This process can take up to 14 days after receipt of your product.
Please note that products that have already been used are excluded from the refund